Why not give croquet a try?

You are never too young nor too old to play croquet!

Sorrento Croquet Club is a welcoming community, offering both competitive and social opportunities for members of all ages.

The club’s emphasis is on inclusion, skills development, and social involvement.

With the offer of three free sessions, this makes it a great place for people new to croquet or those looking to engage with a local club.

New players are welcome to use the Club mallets (three free coaching sessions) until they find the size and weight of mallet that suits them best

They are then encouraged to purchase their own mallet (usually after three to six months).

For advice on selecting a mallet for purchase, please speak to a Committee member who will be happy to introduce you to a representative of a mallet company; or help you to choose one.

Please note that the courts are open for morning and afternoon sessions (with some evenings sessions in Summer) on every day of the week, except Mondays, (courts are closed all day).

Practice and games outside the playing times on “Club Days” need to be arranged personally between players.


Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 12:45 for 1:00pm start.
Thursday 10:00am for 10:15am start.
Tuesday 16:15 for 16:30
Wednesday and Saturday 12:45 for 1:00pm start.
Thursday 9:00 for 9:15am start.
Ricochet Croquet
Fridays: 10:00 for an 10:15 am start.  Phone Jan 0412482833 to confirm.
Practice Days
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
Sunday all day from 10:00am.
No Green Fee is payable by Members.  Families and friends pay $10 per adult, up to a maximum of $50.  (No fee is paid by the hosting member).
Green fee $10 for all visitors.



Internal Competitions   

Annual Club Championship Competitions: Full members are encouraged to enter the Singles and/or Doubles competitions in either Golf Croquet, Ricochet Croquet (provided there are enough entries), or both.

New Members Competition:  All members who have played Croquet for 18 months or less are eligible to enter this competition, dependent on numbers.

External Competitions

Croquetwest Events  Full members are encouraged to refer to the Croquetwest Events Calendar (Click Here) to enter competitions hosted by SCC and other Croquetwest-affiliated clubs in WA.  Where possible, notice of forthcoming such events are posted on the Croquet Corner’s Noticeboard in the Clubhouse. Competition Results can be found at the link below.

For information on Interstate and International Competitions (e.g. NZ or Norfolk Island), members are advised to contact Croquetwest directly.

Please note that Club uniform shirts with either royal blue or white pants must be worn for all formal competitions – both internal and external.

Croquet Competition results for WA clubs, other states in Australia, or even worldwide can be accessed by clicking on the below link.

Please note that when accessing the link, the competitions are shown in date order. Selecting the competition you need will display a list of all the games played. For a summarised display in a table layout, click on either Block A or Block B as required.

Competition Results


Handicap games may be played to allow players of different abilities to compete to enable them to have a better chance at winning. Handicaps range from minus 6 to twenty with the four Grades of players shown below. Handicapping details can be found in “The Rules of Golf Croquet – WCF 5th Edition, July 2018”.  A copy of this booklet is available from the Captain and Vice-Captain of SCC.

Players intending to enter competitions are given a starting handicap of 14, although some competition rules set the maximum to 12. Players are also allocated to “Grades” as shown below based on their handicap.

Grade A players:                 -6 to 4

Grade B players:                 5 to 8

Grade C players:                 9 to 11

Grade D players:                 12 to 20

Players may enter in their own Grade and one Grade above.

Handicap records are held in Individual Handicap Cards, which are filled in after competitive play.  Index points are allocated (plus for a win, and an equivalent minus for a loss) after each competition game.  Reaching a particular number of index points will trigger a change in the player’s handicap (up or down).

Initial handicaps for new players will be determined by a Club Committee member.

Understanding Handicaps

The link below will take you to a comprehensive explanation of the Australian Croquet Handicap system and the use of players Handicap Card

Understanding Handicaps

For more information on playing croquet at Sorrento, please email us at sorrentocroquet@gmail.com